Labcenter Overview
Labcenter Electronics Ltd. was founded in 1988 by the chairman and chief software architect John Jameson. The initial launch of our Proteus Design Suite followed soon after and has since benefited from over 25 years continuous development, evolving into one of the most cost effective, fully featured EDA packages on the market. With current sales in over 50 countries spanning the globe Labcenter is continuously expanding both its product portfolio and its customer base.
Our goal is to provide you, the customer, with the best package at the best price. To achieve this our company focus is threefold.

Product Innovation
When deciding development strategies we focus on usefulness, time saving capabilities and customer feedback. We introduced the world to complete embedded software co-simulation with Proteus VSM (and are still a world leader in the field) as well as numerous features across the Proteus suite that have subsequently percolated through to competitive offerings.
Since its inception Labcenter has increased its R&D budget annually (indeed, almost exponentially in recent years!) - product innovation backed by a world class software development team is one of our primary strengths and has allowed Proteus to grow into a truly complete CAD system.

Continuous Development
Unlike some packages on the market today our policy is, and always has been, one of continuous development on features that reduce the time to market for our customers. Typically, we release two to three versions per year with major functional enhancements in addition to maintenance and minor releases as required. This focus on development makes us more dynamic as a company and allows us the flexibility to provide both new functionality and maintenance releases to the customer more frequently.

Customer Care
We believe that customer care is a keystone of our success. Our technical support is free both via telephone and email for professional users and our support staff are all experienced users of the software. Direct channels exist to the development team allowing us to provide quick and comprehensive responses to even the most complex problems.
We consider user feedback to be of vital importance when determining development schedules for new releases and have a formal system for logging and prioritising implementation of such features.