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Labcenter Electronics Ltd is a software development company in the electronics and embedded industry. We support all aspects of electronics product design from schematic capture, through simulation and testing to PCB layout and design.


This policy outlines our approach to accessibility within the Proteus Design Suite software suite.

Proteus Software Applications

Labcenter aims to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Proteus Design Suite software is accessible to as many people as possible. However, the inherent visual nature of schematic capture and board layout, much akin to an image editor, is such that precision placement and editing operations are often required.

The following summarises accessibility features currently available inside Proteus.

  • Text and Fonts: The Proteus software is tested with Windows Large Fonts, is high DPI aware and the full installed set of fonts can be chosen for use in the software editing windows.
  • Zoom and Pan: The editing window (creation area) of both the schematic and the layout work with varying levels of zoom, including high magnification. Localised zoom is easily achieved and panning of the zoomed area fully supported.
  • Input Modalities: The Proteus Software works with a combination of keyboard and mouse. Basic Windows accessibility features such as changes to mouse cursor are also partially supported, although Proteus does make widespread use of custom cursors.
  • Keyboard Accessibility: The majority of dialogue forms and user commands can be actioned via keyboard shortcut, although certain actions such as routing a track require mouse interaction to guide placement. Keyboard shortcuts are mostly globally configurable.
  • Contrast: Colour configuration inside the primary application editing areas is fully user settable. We are working towards application theming to provide contrast alternatives within the application framework.
  • Flashing Interface Elements: Status bar warnings and errors result in a flash but not more than three times per second. Interface elements in a running simulation may flash at a rate programmed by the user (e.g. simulating flashing LED’s connected to a microcontroller), but these would generally be a small percentage of the screen.
  • Predictability: Software modules share a common application framework and basic user interface actions are common to the Proteus software Suite.

What we're doing to improve accessibility

The Proteus 9 application framework will better support both the Microsoft UI Automation and MSAA Interfaces. This will greatly improve usability for things like screen reader interaction with tree views and tables. Full application theming is also currently in progress which will provide greater control over colour contrast.

Feedback and contact information

If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille:


Call: +44(0)1756753440

Write to: The Stables, Hartlington Hall Estate, Near Burnsall, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 6BY, England

We'll consider your request and get back to you as soon as possible.

Reporting accessibility problems with our software

We're always looking to improve the accessibility of our software. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we're not meeting accessibility requirements, contact:

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 28th June 2023. It was last reviewed on 30th June 2023.

Is there anything we can help with?

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