Instrumentation and Analysis Tools
Interactive Instrumentation
- 4-channel DSO with X-Y operation, AC or DC coupled inputs and measurement cursors
- 40-Channel Logic Analyser with a 40000 x 52 bit capture buffer and measurement cursors
- Counter/Timer instrument measures time intervals, signal frequency and pulse counts
- RS232 Terminal with configurable baud rate,data bits,stop bits,parity and Rx/Tx Polarity
- DC and AC Voltmeters display true RMS values integrated over a definable time constant
- DC and AC Ammeters display true RMS values integrated over a definable time constant
Protocol Analysers
- Dual mode (master/slave) I2C protocol analyser
- Dual mode (master/slave) SPI protocol analyser
Interactive Circuit Stimulus Tools
- Analogue Signal Generator to inject square, saw-tooth, triangle and sine wave signals
- Digital Pattern Generator allows for specification of 8-bit by 1k bytes digital data streams

OptoElectronic Display Models and Drivers
Alphanumeric LCD Models
- LM016L: 16x2 alphanumeric LCD model
- LM017L: 32x2 alphanumeric LCD model
- LM018L: 40x2 alphanumeric LCD model
- LM020L: 16x1 alphanumeric LCD model
- LM032L: 20x2 alphanumeric LCD model
- LM041L: 16x4 alphanumeric LCD model
- LM044L: 20x4 alphanumeric LCD model
- Milford 16x2 alphanumeric LCD display model
- Milford 20x2 alphanumeric LCD display model
- Milford 40x2 alphanumeric LCD display model
- Milford 20x4 alphanumeric LCD display model
- ERM19264 b/w graphics display based to KS0108B 192x64 dots
- YAOXY19264A b/w graphics display based to KS0108B 192x64 pixels
- LM323K 3A 5-Volt Positive Voltage Regulator
- JHD-2X16-I2C: I2C Alphanumeric LCD
- LY190-128: Graphics diplay with SSD1308 controller
- SSD1308: 128x64 dot graphics controller
- TM1637: two wires LED drive controller
- GROVE4DIGIT: 4 digit 7 segment, multiplexed display module, used in Grove module
- LED-GROVE-BARGRAPH: 10 segment LED gause bar, used in Grove module
- MY9221: 12-Channel LED DRiver controller for LED bar
Graphical LCD Models
- LM3228: 128x64 graphical LCD model
- LM3229: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- LM3267: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- LM3283: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- LM3287: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- LM4228: 128x64 graphical LCD model
- LM4229: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- LM4265: 128x128 graphical LCD model
- LM4267: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- LM4283: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- LM4287: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- PG128128A: 128x128 graphical LCD model
- PG12864F: 128x64 graphical LCD model
- PG160128A: 160x128 graphical LCD model
- PG24064F: 240x64 graphical LCD model
- Ampire 128x64 graphical LCD model
- LGM12341BS1R: 128x64 graphical LCD model
- EW12A03GLY 122x32 Graphical LCD model
- AGM123G 122x32 AZ Display Inc. GLCD model
- HDM32GS12T-3 122x32 Hantronix GLCD model
- HDM32GS12-B 122x32 Hantronix GLCD model
- TG13650FEY 132x65 Data Image GLCD model
- TG126410-GFSB 128x64 Selectable Interface GLCD model
- HDG12854F-1 Hantronix 128x64 GLCD model
- HDG12854F-3 Hantronix 128x64 GLCD model
- HDG12854F-4 Hantronix 128x64 GLCD model
- HDG12854F-6 Hantronix 128x64 GLCD model
- Nokia 7110 96x65 GLCD model
- LPH7779, Genuine Nokia 3310 Monochrome LCD
- Nokia 3310 Monochrome LCD, Adafruit module
- Nokia 5110 Monochrome LCD, Sparkfun module
- EA DOGS102N-6 102x64 dots GLCD Display.
Display Models
- ILI9341 320x240 Graphical TFT LCD with Backlight.
- NOKIA 3310 display
- NOKIA 5110 display
- DOGS102N Graphics Display
- UC1701 Graphics Controller
- PCD8544 controller
- OLED12832I2C Monochrome OLED graphic displays based on SSD1306 with built-in I2C interface - (128x32 pixels)
- OLED12864I2C Monochrome OLED graphic displays based on SSD1306 with built-in I2C interface - (128x64 pixels)
LED Models
- LED Models',undefined,custom_closed_node_style
- Standard single LED model (green/red/blue/yellow)
- LED bargraph displays (green/red)
- 5x7 dot matrix LED displays (blue/green/orange/red)
- 8x8 dot matrix LED displays (blue/green/orange/red)
- Bi-colour LED models (Blue/Yellow,Green/Amber,Reg/Green,Red/Yellow)
- Seven Segment Display Models
- 7-Segment BCD display (blue/red)
- 7-Segment common anode display (blue/green/red
- 7-Segment common cathode display (blue/green/red)
- Digital 7-segment display model
- 2-digit multiplexed 7-segment common anode display
- 2-digit multiplexed 7-segment common cathode display
- 4-digit multiplexed 7-segment common anode display
- 4-digit multiplexed 7-segment common cathode display
- 6-digit multiplexed 7-segment common anode display
- 6-digit multiplexed 7-segment common cathode display
- 8-digit multiplexed 7-segment common anode display
- 8-digit multiplexed 7-segment common cathode display
- PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED controller
- RGBLED-CA: RGB LED model common anode
- RGBLED-CC: RGB LED model common cathode
Optoelectronic Driver Models
- LM3914: linear dot/bar display driver
- LM3915: Logarithmic Dot/Bar display driver
- LM3916: VU scaled dot/bar display driver
- 74LS248: 7-segment decoder, common cathode LED driver with RBI
- 7446: Open collector 7-segment decoder, common anode LED driver with RBI:
- 7448: 7-segment decoder, common anode LED driver with RBI:
- MAX6950: Serial interfaced 5-Digit LED Display Driver
- MAX6951: Serial interfaced 5-Digit LED Display Driver
- MAX6952: 4-wire 2.7V-5.5V 5x7 LED matrix driver
- MAX6953: 2-wire 2.7V-5.5V 5x7 LED matrix driver
- MAX6954: 4-wire interfaced LED Driver with I/O Expander and Key Scan
- MAX6955: 2-wire interfaced LED Driver with I/O Expander and Key Scan
- MAX7219: serially interfaced, 8-digit LED display driver
- CD4522: Programmable 4-bit BCD Down Counter
- P9813 - Color LED driver.
Optocoupler Models
- HCNR200: High linearity analog optocouplers
- MOC30xx: Zero cross optoisolators, TRIAC driver output
- 4N25:Motorola 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators
- 4N26:Motorola 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators
- 4N27:Motorola 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators
- 4N28:Motorola 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators
- 4N35:Texas Instruments 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators
- 4N36:Texas Instrument 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators
- 4N37:Texas Instruments 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators
- PC817(A,B,C,D):Sharp High Density Mounting Type Photocouplers
- PC829:Sharp High Density Mounting Type Photocouplers
- CNY70: Reflective Optical Sensor with Transistor Output
- NSL-32SR3: Resistive Optocoupler
- IREMITTER: Generic IR Emitter Model
- PHOTODIODE: Generic Photodiode Model
- 6N136: High Speed Optocoupler, 1 MBd, Photodiode with Transistor Output
- 6N137: High Speed Optocoupler, Single 10 MBd
- H11AA1 - Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, AC Input, with Base Connection

Motor Models and Controllers
Motor Models and Controllers
- DC brushless motor model
- DRV8871 - 3.6-A Brushed DC Motor Driver With Internal Current Sense (PWM Control)'
- DC Motor model with inertia and loading
- DC Motor model with inertia, loading and position encoder
- BiPolar stepper motor model
- UniPolar stepper motor model
- Servo motor model
- PWM controlled servo motor model (Hobby Servo)
- DC Motor with Fan including commutation chopping (breakers effect)
- AC Induction 3-phase motor
- DC Generator (Dynamo) model
Motor Controller Models
- L297: Stepper motor controller model
- L298: Dual full bridge driver model
- L6201: DMOS dual full bridge driver model
- L6202: DMOS dual full bridge driver model
- L6203: DMOS dual full bridge driver model
- IR2104: : Half-bridge Driver
- HIP4080A: 80V/2.5A Peak, High Frequency Full Bridge FET Driver with input comparator
- HIP4081A: 80V/2.5A Peak, High Frequency Full Bridge FET Driver
- TC1411: 1A High-Speed MOSFET Drivers
- MCP14700: Dual Input Synchronous MOSFET Driver
- DRV8816: DMOS Dual 1/2-H-Bridge Motor Drivers
- DRV8844: Quad 1/2H-Bridge Driver IC
PWM Fan Speed Controller Models
- TC646B: PWM Fan Speed controllers with auto-shutdown, fan restart & fansense technology
- TC648B: PWM Fan Speed controllers with auto-shutdown, fan restart & fansense technology
- TC649B: PWM Fan Speed controllers with auto-shutdown, fan restart & fansense technology
Motor Gate Drivers
- LM5100: CMOS High Voltage High Side and Low Side Gate Driver
- LM5101: TTL High Voltage High Side and Low Side Gate Driver
- TB6612FNG: Driver IC for Dual DC motor.

Hall Effect Sensor Models
Hall Effect Sensor Models
- ACS712ELCTR-05B-T:Hall Effect Based Current Sensor with High Voltage Isolation
- ACS712ELCTR-20A-T:Hall Effect Based Current Sensor with High Voltage Isolation
- ACS712ELCTR-30A-T:Hall Effect Based Current Sensor with High Voltage Isolation
- ACS713ELCTR-20A-T:Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor
- ACS713ELCTR-30A-T:Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor
- ACS755XCB-050:Hall Effect Based Current Sensor with High Voltage Isolation
- ACS755XCB-100:Hall Effect Based Current Sensor with High Voltage Isolation
- ACS755XCB-130:Hall Effect Based Current Sensor with High Voltage Isolation
- ACS755XCB-150:Hall Effect Based Current Sensor with High Voltage Isolation
- ACS755XCB-200:Hall Effect Based Current Sensor with High Voltage Isolation
- ACS770xCB-050B/U - Thermally Enhanced, Fully Integrated, Hall-Effect-Based High-Precision Linear Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS770xCB-100B/U - Thermally Enhanced, Fully Integrated, Hall-Effect-Based High-Precision Linear Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS770xCB-150B/U - Thermally Enhanced, Fully Integrated, Hall-Effect-Based High-Precision Linear Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS770xCB-200B/U - Thermally Enhanced, Fully Integrated, Hall-Effect-Based High-Precision Linear Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS772LCB-100B/U - High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth,Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS772LCB-050B/U - High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth,Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS772LCB-150B/U - High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth,Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS772LCB-200B/U - High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth,Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS772LCB-250B/U - High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth,Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS772LCB-300B - High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth,Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS772LCB-400B - High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth,Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- WCS1500 - Hall Effect Base Linear Current Sensor

Ethernet Controller Models
Ethernet Controller Models
- RTL8019AS: Ethernet Controller with parallel ISA-compatible interface, packet send/receive etc.
- ENC28J60: Ethernet Controller with SPI interface, DMA, packet send/receive/filtering etc.

Potentiometer Models
Potentiometer Models
- POT-HG: High granularity interactive potentiometer (lin,log,antilog)
- POT-LIN: Interactive potentiometer with linear track
- POT-LOG: Interactive potentiometer with logarithmic track
- AD5220BN10: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5220BN50: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5520BN100: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5220BR10: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5220BR50: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5520BR100: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5220BRM10: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5220BRM50: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5520BRM100: Increment/Decrement 128 position digital pots
- AD5241BR10: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5241BR100: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5241BR1M: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5241BRU10: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5241BRU100: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5241BRU1M: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5242BR10: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5242BR100: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5242BR1M: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5242BRU10: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5242BRU100: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5242BRU1M: I2C Compatible, 256 position digital potentiometers
- AD5204BN10: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5206BN50: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5206BN100: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5206BR10: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5206BR50: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5206BR100: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5206BRU10: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BRU50: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BRU100: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BN50: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BN100: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BR10: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BR50: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BR100: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BRU10: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BRU50: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- AD5204BRU100: SPI Interface, 4/6 Channels, 256 position digital pots
- MCP41xxx: Single digital potentiometer with SPI interface
- DS1804-XXX: NV 100-position trimmer potentiometer (10k,50k,100k)
- DS1802 (E)(S) Dual Audio Taper Potentiometer With Pushbutton Control
- DS1867(E)(S)-10(50)(100):Dual digital potentiometer with EEPROM
- DS1881(Z)(E)-50: Dual NV Audio Taper Digital Potentiometer
- MAX5413/4/5: Dual 256 tap digital potentiometer
- MAX5481/2/3/4: 10-bit Nonvolatile, linear-taper digital potentiometers
- MAX5408, MAX5409: Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers with mute.
- AD5293BRUZ-20:Single-Channel, 1024-Position, 1% R-Tolerance Digital Pot
- AD5293BRUZ-50:Single-Channel, 1024-Position, 1% R-Tolerance Digital Pot
- AD5293BRUZ-100:Single-Channel, 1024-Position, 1% R-Tolerance Digital Pot
- AD5260BRU20: 1-Channel, 20k, 256-Position, 15 V Digital Potentiometer
- AD5260BRU50: 1-Channel, 50k, 256-Position, 15 V Digital Potentiometer
- AD5260BRU200: 1-Channel, 200k, 256-Position, 15 V Digital Potentiometer
- AD5262BRU20: 2-Channel, 20k, 256-Position, 15 V Digital Potentiometer
- AD5262BRU50: 2-Channel, 50k, 256-Position, 15 V Digital Potentiometer
- AD5262BRU200: 2-Channel, 200k, 256-Position, 15 V Digital Potentiometer
- MCP4131-502: 7-bit, digital 5k pot 129-Steps
- MCP4131-103: 7-bit, digital 10k pot 129-Steps
- MCP4131-503: 7-bit, digital 50k pot 129-Steps
- MCP4131-104: 7-bit, digital 100k pot 129-Steps
- MCP4132-502: 7-bit, digital 5k rheostat 129-Steps
- MCP4132-103: 7-bit, digital 10k rheostat 129-Steps
- MCP4132-503: 7-bit, digital 50k rheostat 129-Steps
- MCP4132-104: 7-bit, digital 100k rheostat 129-Steps
- MCP4151-502: 8-bit, digital 5k pot 257-Steps
- MCP4151-103: 8-bit, digital 10k pot 257-Steps
- MCP4151-503: 8-bit, digital 50k pot 257-Steps
- MCP4151-104: 8-bit, digital 100k pot 257-Steps
- MCP4152-502: 8-bit, digital 5k rheostat 257-Steps
- MCP4152-103: 8-bit, digital 10k rheostat 257-Steps
- MCP4152-503: 8-bit, digital 50k rheostat 257-Steps
- MCP4152-104: 8-bit, digital 100k rheostat 257-Steps
- MAX5408EEE Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers
- MAX5408ETE Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers
- MAX5410EEE Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers
- MAX5410ETE Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers
- MAX5409EEE Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers
- MAX5409ETE Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers
- MAX5411EEE Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers
- MAX5411ETE Dual, Audio, Log Taper Digital Potentiometers
- DS1881 Dual NV Audio Taper Digital Potentiometer
- MCP4017T-502: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 5k rheostat
- MCP4017T-103: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 10k rheostat
- MCP4017T-503: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 50k rheostat
- MCP4017T-104: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 100k rheostat
- MCP4018T-502: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 5k pot
- MCP4018T-103: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 10k pot
- MCP4018T-503: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 50k pot
- MCP4018T-104: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 100k pot
- MCP4019T-502: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 5k rheostat
- MCP4019T-103: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 10k rheostat
- MCP4019T-503: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 50k rheostat
- MCP4019T-104: 7-Bit Single I2C Digital 100k rheostat
- MCP4141-502: 7-Bit Single SPI Digital Pot with Non-Volatile Memory
- MCP4142-502: 7-Bit Single SPI Digital Rheostat with Non-Volatile Memory
- MCP4161-502: 8-Bit Single SPI Digital Pot with Non-Volatile Memory
- MCP4162-502: 8-Bit Single SPI Digital Rheostat with Non-Volatile Memory
- MCP4241-502: 7-Bit Dual SPI Digital Pot with Non-Volatile Memory
- MCP4242-502: 7-Bit Dual SPI Digital Rheostat with Non-Volatile Memory
- MCP4261-502: 8-Bit Dual SPI Digital Pot with Non-Volatile Memory
- MCP4262-502: 8-Bit Dual SPI Digital Rheostat with Non-Volatile Memory

Memory Models
I2C EEPROM Memory Models
- 24AA00, 24AA01, 24AA02, 24AA04
- 24AA08, 24AA16, 24AA32A, 24AA64
- 24AA128, 24AA256, 24AA512, 24C00
- 24C01B, 24C01C, 24C02B, 24C02C
- 24C04A, 24C08B, 24C16B, 24C32A
- 24FC128, 24FC256, 24FC512, 24LC00
- 24LC01B, 24LC02B, 24LC04B, 24LC08B
- 24LC16B, 24LC32A, 24LC64, 24LC128
- 24LC256, 24LC512, 24LC1025, 24AA1025
- 24FC1025, AT24C512, AT24C512B, AT24C1024B
- FM24C02, FM24C02F, FM24C03, FM24C03F
- FM24C128, FM24C128F, FM24C16, FM24C16F
- FM24C17, FM24C17F, FM24C256, FM24C256F
- FM24C32, FM24C32F, FM24C64, FM24C64F
- FM34W02, NM24C04, NM24C04F, NM24C05
- NM24C05F, NM24C08, NM24C08F, NM24C09
- NM24C09F, M24128B, M24256B, M24512
- M24C01, M24C02, M24C04, M24C08
- M24C16, M24C32, M24C64, ST24W01
- ST24W02, ST24W04, ST24W08, ST24W16
- ST24E16, 25AA010A, 25AA020A, 25AA040
- 25AA040A, 25AA080A, 25AA080B, 25AA160
- 25AA160A, 25AA160B, 25AA256, 25AA320
- 25AA640, 25C040, 25C160, 25C320
- 25LC010A, 25LC020A, 25LC040, 25LC040A
- 25LC080A, 25LC080B, 25LC160, 25LC160A
- 25LC160B, 25LC256, 25LC320, 25LC640
- 25LC512, 25AA512, 25LC1024, 25AA1024
- M95010, M95010-R, M95010-W, M95020
- M95020-R, M95020-W, M95040, M95040-R
- M95040-W, M95080, M95080-R, M95080-S
- M95080-W, M95128, M95128-R, M95128-W
- M95160, M95160-R, M95160-S, M95160-W
- M95256, M95256-R, M95256-W, M95320
- M95320-R, M95320-S, M95320-W, M95512-R
- M95512-W, M95640, M95640-R, M95640-S, M95640-W
SPI FLASH Memory Models
- AT25F1024A: 4MHz serial flash memory with SPI interface
- AT25F2048: 4MHz serial flash memory with SPI interface
- AT25F4096: 4MHz serial flash memory with SPI interface
- AT25F512A: 4MHz serial flash memory with SPI interface
- M45PE16: 16MHz serial flash memory with SPI interface
- M45PE40: 4MHz serial flash memory with SPI interface
- M45PE80: 8MHz serial flash memory with SPI interface
- M25PE10: Serial flash memory with SPI interface
- M25PE20: Serial flash memory with SPI interface
- 23A1024: 1Mbit SPI Serial with SDI/SQI interface
- 23A512: 512kbit SPI Serial with SDI/SQI interface
- 23LC1024: 1Mbit SPI Serial with SDI/SQI interface
- 23LC512: 512kbit SPI Serial with SDI/SQI interface
SPI F-RAM Memory Models
- FM25V01: 128-Kbit (16K x 8) Serial SPI F-RAM
- FM25V02: 256-Kbit (32K x 8) Serial SPI F-RAM
- FM25V05: 512-Kbit (64K x 8) Serial SPI F-RAM
- FM25V10: 1-Mbit (128K x 8) Serial SPI F-RAM
- FM25V20: 2-Mbit (256K x 8) Serial SPI F-RAM
Static RAM Models
- 2016: 3V/5V Operation static RAM
- 2018: CMOS (2K x 8bit) static RAM
- 2019: CMOS (2K x 8bit) static RAM
- 2063: CMOS (8K x 8bit) static RAM
- 2064: CMOS (8K x 8bit) static RAM
- 2114: 4K (1K x 4bit) static RAM
- 2148: 4K (1K x 4bit) static RAM
- 2149: 4K (1K x 4bit) static RAM
- 6116: 16K (2Kx8) static RAM
- 6164: 64K (8Kx8) static RAM
- 6264: 64K (8Kx8) static RAM
- 8416: 16k (2Kx8) static RAM
- 8417: 16k (2Kx8) static RAM
- 8418: 16k (2Kx8) static RAM
- 8464: 64k (8Kx8) static RAM
- 62256: CMOS static RAM (32k x 8-bit)
- PCF8570: low power I2C based SRAM 256x8 IC
Persistent EPROM Models
- 27128: NMOS 128k-bit (16KB X 8) UV EPROM
- 27256: NMOS 256k-bit (32KB X 8) UV EPROM
- 2732: 32K (4Kx8) EPROM
- 27512: NMOS 512k-bit (64KB X 8) UV EPROM
- 2764: 64K (8Kx8) EPROM
- 27C64: 64K (8Kx8) CMOS EPROM
- 27C128: 128K (16Kx8) CMOS EPROM
- 27C256: 256K (32Kx8) CMOS EPROM
- 27C512: 512K (64Kx8) CMOS EPROM
Other Memory Storage Devices
- Virtual MMC Card with SPI Interface
- ATA/IDE Hard Disk Drive Model
- IDT7203: Fifo, 2,048 x 9 organization
- IDT7204: Fifo, 4,096 x 9 organization
- IDT7205: Fifo, 8,192 x 9 organization
- IDT7206: Fifo, 16,384 x 9 organization
- IDT7207: Fifo, 32,768 x 9 organization
- IDT7208: Fifo, 65,636 x 9 organization
64-Bit RAM Models
- SN74LS189 - 64-Bit Random Access Read/Write Memory

Temperature Control Models
Thermometer & Thermostat Models
- DS1620: Digital 9-bit thermometer and thermostat with three alarms
- DS1621: Digital thermometer and thermostat with I2C interface
- DS1822: ECONO 1-wire digital thermometer
- DS18S20: High-presision 1-wire digital thermometer
- DS18B20: Programmable resolution 1-wire digital thermometer
Temperature Sensor Models
- MCP9600: Microchip - Thermocouple EMF to Temperature Converter
- MCP9601: Microchip - Thermocouple EMF to Temperature Converter with Open/Short circuit detection
- MCP9800: Temperature sensor with SPI interface
- MCP9801: Temperature sensor with SPI interface
- MCP9802: Temperature sensor with SPI interface
- MCP9803: Temperature sensor with SPI interface
- LM20: 2.4V, 10mA, SC70, micro SMD temperature sensor
- TC72: Temperature sensor with SPI interface
- TC74: Tiny serial digital thermal sensor with I2C interface
- TC77: Temperature sensor with SPI interface
- RTD-PT100:RTD platinum 100 Ohms temperature sensor following IEC(BS)EN60751
- TC6501P045VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (45d threshold)
- TC6501P065VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (65d threshold)
- TC6501P075VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (75d threshold)
- TC6501P095VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (95d threshold)
- TC6501P105VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (105d threshold)
- TC6501P115VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (115d threshold)
- TC6501P120VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (120d threshold)
- TC6501P125VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (125d threshold)
- TC6502P045VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (45d threshold)
- TC6502P065VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (65d threshold)
- TC6502P075VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (75d threshold)
- TC6502P095VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (95d threshold)
- TC6502P115VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (115d threshold)
- TC6502P125VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (125d threshold)
- TC6503N015VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (-15d threshold)
- TC6503P005VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (5d threshold)
- TC6504N015VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (-15d threshold)
- TC6504P0O5VCT: Ultra small temp switch w/ pin selectable hysteresis (5d threshold)
- SHT10: Humidity and Temperature sensor, 2-wire serial interface
- SHT11: Humidity and Temperature sensor, 2-wire serial interface
- SHT15: Humidity and Temperature sensor, 2-wire serial interface
- SHT71: Humidity and Temperature sensor, 2-wire serial interface
- SHT75: Humidity and Temperature sensor, 2-wire serial interface
- SHT21: Humidity and Temperature sensor, I2C Interface
- SHT25: Humidity and Temperature sensor, I2C Interface
- MCP9700/9701: Low power voltage output temperature sensor
- MCP970A0/9701A: Low power voltage output temperature sensor
- LM34: Precision monolithic temperature sensor
- LM35: Precision monolithic temperature sensor
- LM45: Precision centigrade temperature sensor
- LM50: Single supply centigrade temperature sensor
- LM335:Precision temperature sensor (-40C to +100C)
- KTY81-1XX:Silicon temperature sensor with positive temperature co-efficient
- KTY81-2XX:Silicon temperature sensor with positive temperature co-efficient
- KTY82-1XX:Silicon temperature sensor with positive temperature co-efficient
- KTY82-2XX:Silicon temperature sensor with positive temperature co-efficient
- HYT271:Humidity and Temperature sensor, I2C interface
- DHT11: Low cost, single wire, 8-bit Humidity & Temperature sensors
- DHT22: Low cost, single wire, 12-bit Humidity & Temperature sensors
- TCN75: Two wires Serial Temperature Sensor
- LM75A(D)(DP): Digital temperature sensor and thermal watchdog
- LM75B(D)(DP): Digital temperature sensor and thermal watchdog
- MAX31820 - 1-Wire Ambient Temperature Sensor
- AD592 - Low cost, Precision IC Temperature Transducer
- BOSH BME280 - Combined humidity, temperature & pressure sensor
Thermocouple Models
- MAX6674:Cold Junction Compensated K-Thermocouple to Digital Converter
- MAX6675:Cold Junction Compensated K-Thermocouple to Digital Converter
- TCB:Thermocouple,Type B (Pt30Rh/Pt6Rh),0->1330°C,color codes: EN 43710
- TCE:Thermocouple,Type E (NiCr/CuNi),-270->100°C,color codes: BS1843:19520
- TCJ:Thermocouple,Type J (Fe/Cu/Ni),-210->1200°C,color codes: BS1843:1952
- TCK:Thermocouple,Type K (NiChr/Ni),-270->1330°C,color codes: BS1843:1952
- TCN:Thermocouple,Type N (NiCrSi/NiSi),-270->1300°C,color codes: BS1843:1952
- TCR:Thermocouple,Type R (Pt13Rh/Pt),-50->1330°C,color codes: BS1843:1952
- TCS:Thermocouple,Type S (Pt13Rh/Pt),-50->1330°C,color codes: BS1843:1952
- TCT:Thermocouple,Type T (Cu/CuNi),-270->400°C, color codes: BS1843:1952
- AD594: Monolithic Thermocouple (Type J) Amplifiers with Cold Junction Compensation
- AD595: Monolithic Thermocouple (Type K) Amplifiers with Cold Junction Compensation
- MAX31855KASA : K type Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
- MAX31855JASA: J type Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
- MAX31855NASA: N type Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
- MAX31855SASA: S type Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
- MAX31855TASA: T type Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
- MAX31855EASA: E type Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
- MAX31855RASA: R type Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
Thermistor Converter Models
- MAX6682: Thermistor-to-Digital Converter

Timekeeping Models
Real Time Clocks
- DS1307: 64x8 serial real-time clock
- DS1302: Trickle charge timekeeping chip
- PCF8583: Clock/Calender with 240x8 bit RAM
- PCF8593: Low Power Clock/Calender
- DS1340C: I2C RTC with trickle charger
- DS1340U: I2C RTC with trickle charger
- DS1340Z: I2C RTC with trickle charger
- DS3232: Extremely accurate I2C RTC with Integrated Crystal and SRAM
- DS3234: Extremely Accurate SPI RTC with Integrated Crystal and SRAM
- MCP79410: RTC with SRAM, EEPROM and unique ID
- MCP79411: RTC with SRAM, EEPROM and unique ID
- MCP79412: RTC with SRAM, EEPROM and unique ID
- DS1338: I2C RTC with 56-Byte NVRAM
- PC8563: Real Time Clock
- DS12885: Real Time Clock with parallel Intel/Motorola interface
- DS12887: Real Time Clock with parallel Intel/Motorola interface
- NE556: Dual Precision Timer
- TS556: Low Power Dual CMOS Timers

1-Wire Protocol Models
1-Wire Protocol Models
- Dallas 1-Wire EEPROM Models
- DS2430: 256-bit 1-wire EEPROM
- DS2431: 1024-bit 1-wire EEPROM
- DS2433: 4096-bit 1-wire EEPROM
Dallas 1-Wire Thermometer Models
- DS1822: ECONO 1-wire digital thermometer
- DS18S20: High-precision 1-wire digital thermometer
- DS18B20: Programmable resolution 1-wire digital thermometer
Dallas 1-Wire Switch Models
- DS2405: Addressable switch
- DS2408: 8-Channel Addressable switch
- DS2413: Dual Channel Addressable switch
Dallas 1-Wire Button Models
- DS1990: Serial number button
Microchip UNI/O EEPROM Models
- 11AA010: 128x8 bit UNIO EEPROM 2.5-5.5V
- 11AA020: 256x8 bit UNIO EEPROM 2.5-5.5V
- 11AA040: 512x8 bit UNIO EEPROM 2.5-5.5V
- 11AA080: 1024x8 bit UNIO EEPROM 2.5-5.5V
- 11AA160: 2048x8 bit UNIO EEPROM 2.5-5.5V
- 11LC010: 128x8 bit UNIO EEPROM 2.5-5.5V
- 11AA020: 256x8 bit UNIO EEPROM 2.5-5.5V
- 11AA040: 512x8 bit UNIO EEPROM 2.5-5.5V

RMS Detection/Conversion Models
RMS Models
- THAT2252:RMS Level Detector
- AD736: Low cost, Low power, True RMS to DC Converter
- LTC1966: Precision micropower, Delta-Sigma RMS to DC converter
- LTC1967: Precision Wide Bandwidth RMS-to-DC Converter
- LTC1968: Precision Wide Bandwidth RMS-to-DC Converter

Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA) Models
VCA Models
- THAT2180LA:Pre-Trimmed IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- THAT2180LB:Pre-Trimmed IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- THAT2180LC:Pre-Trimmed IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- THAT2181LA:Trimmable IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- THAT2181LB:Trimmable IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- THAT2181LC:Trimmable IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- THAT2181SA:Trimmable IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- THAT2181SB:Trimmable IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier
- THAT2181SC:Trimmable IC Voltage Controlled Amplifier

Voltage Regulators
Voltage Regulators
- LF12 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF15 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF18 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF25 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF27 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF30 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF33 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF35 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF40 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF45 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF47 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF50 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF52 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF55 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF60 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF80 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF85 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF90 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LF120 Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LM1086 series low drop out 1.5A regulator
- LD1117X(adj) Low Dropout Fixed and Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulators
- LD1117X12 Low Dropout Fixed and Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulators
- LD1117X18 Low Dropout Fixed and Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulators
- LD1117X25 Low Dropout Fixed and Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulators
- LD1117X28 Low Dropout Fixed and Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulators
- LD1117X30 Low Dropout Fixed and Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulators
- LD1117X33 Low Dropout Fixed and Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulators
- LD1117X50 Low Dropout Fixed and Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulators
- LMR62014 SIMPLE SWITCHER(R) 20Vout, 1.4A Step-Up Voltage Regulator
- LMR62014: 20Vout, 1.4A Step-Up Voltage Regulator
- LM323K 3A 5-Volt Positive Voltage Regulator
- LM323T 3A 5-Volt Positive Voltage Regulator
- LM123 3A 5-Volt Positive Voltage Regulator
- LM323A 3A 5-Volt Positive Voltage Regulator
- 78L33 - Volatage Regulator
- 7833 - 3.3V regulator 100mA and 1A peak current.

Line Receiver Models
Line Receiver Models
- INA134: Audio Differential Line Receivers 0dB (G=1)
- INA2134: Audio Differential Line Receivers 0dB (G=1)
- FIN1001M5: 3.3V LVDS 1-Bit High Speed Differential Driver
- THAT1240: Balanced Line Receiver
- THAT1243: Balanced Line Receiver
- THAT1246: Balanced Line Receiver
- THAT1200: InGenius High CMRR Balanced Line Receiver
- THAT1203: InGenius High CMRR Balanced Line Receiver
- THAT1206: InGenius High CMRR Balanced Line Receiver
- DRV134: Audio Balanced Line Drivers/Receivers
- DRV135: Audio Balanced Line Drivers/Receivers

RS232/RS485/RS422 Protocol Models
RS232 Protocol Models
- RS232 Terminal with configurable baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity and Rx/Tx Polarity
Maxim Peripheral Models
- MAX220: Dual RS-232 transmitters/receivers, ultra low power
- MAX222: Dual RS-232 transmitters/receivers, low power shutdown
- MAX223: RS-232 4/5 transmitters/receivers, R4 and R5 active in shutdown
- MAX225: RS-232 5/5 transmitters/receivers, separate Tx/Rx enable, no external cap
- MAX230: Five RS-232 drivers with shutdown
- MAX231: Dual RS-232 transmitters/receivers, standard +5/+12V or battery supplies
- MAX232: Multichannel RS-232 drivers/receivers, industry standard
- MAX233: Dual RS-232 transmitters/receivers, no external caps
- MAX234: Four RS-232 Drivers,replaces 1488
- MAX235: RS-232 5/5 transmitters/receivers, no external cap
- MAX236: RS-232 4/3 transmitters/receivers, shutdown, three state
- MAX237: RS-232 5/3 transmitters/receivers, complete IBM PC serial port
- MAX238: RS-232 4/4 transmitters/receivers, Replaces 1488 and 1489
- MAX239: RS-232 3/5 transmitters/receivers, Standard +5/+12V or battery supplies
- MAX240: RS-232 5/5 transmitters/receivers, Rx enable
- MAX241: RS-232 4/5 transmitters/receivers, complete IBM PC serial port
- MAX242: Dual RS-232 transmitters/receivers, separate shutdown and enable
- MAX243: Dual RS-232 transmitters/receivers
- MAX244: RS-232 8/10 transmitters/receivers, high slew rate
- MAX245: RS-232 8/10 transmitters/receivers, high slew rate, two shutdown modes
- MAX246: RS-232 8/10 transmitters/receivers, high slew rate, three shutdown modes
- MAX247: RS-232 8/10 transmitters/receivers, high slew rate, nine operating modes
- MAX248: RS-232 8/8 transmitters/receivers, high slew rate, selective half-chip enables
- MAX249: RS-232 6/10 transmitters/receivers, high slew rate, selective half-chip enables
- MAX487: Low power, slew rate limited RS485/422 half duplex transceivers
- MAX1856: Synchronisable, PWM SLIC power supply controller
- MAX1480: Complete, Isolated RS485/RS422 Data Interface
Miscellaneous RS-232 Models
- DS275: Single RS-232 Transmitter/Receiver

ADC/DAC Converter Models
Analog to Digital Converter models
- MCP3202: Dual Channel 12-bit AD converter with SPI interface
- ADC0831: 8-bit I/O serial ADC with multiplexer option (8-bit, 32us conversion)
- ADC0832: 8-bit I/O serial ADC with multiplexer option (8-bit, 32us conversion)
- ADC0834: 8-bit I/O serial ADC with multiplexer option (8-bit, 32us conversion)
- ADC0838: 8-bit I/O serial ADC with multiplexer option (8-bit, 32us conversion)
- ADC0801: 8-bit microprocessor compatible ADC (8-bit, 100us conversion)
- ADC0802: 8-bit microprocessor compatible ADC (8-bit, 100us conversion)
- ADC0803: 8-bit microprocessor compatible ADC (8-bit, 100us conversion)
- ADC0804: 8-bit microprocessor compatible ADC (8-bit, 100us conversion)
- ADC0805: 8-bit microprocessor compatible ADC (8-bit, 100us conversion)
- ADC0808: 8-bit microprocessor compatible ADC with 8-channel multiplexer
- PCF8591: 8-bit ADC/DAC for the I2C bus
- MAX1240: +2.7V low power, 12-bit serial ADC with internal 2.5V ref.
- MAX1241: +2.7V low power, 12-bit serial ADC
- MCP3001: Single sided 10-bit channel ADC with SPI output
- LTC1860: micropower,12-bit, 250ksps 1 and 2 channel ADCs
- LTC1861: micropower,12-bit, 250ksps 1 and 2 channel ADCs
- LTC1864: micropower,12-bit, 250ksps 1 and 2 channel ADCs
- LTC1865: micropower,12-bit, 250ksps 1 and 2 channel ADCs
- LTC1292: Single chip 12-bit data acquisition systems
- LTC1297: Single chip 12-bit data acquisition systems
- LTC2644_L8 - Dual 8-bit PWM to Vout DACs
- LTC2644_L10 - Dual 10-bit PWM to Vout DACs
- LTC2644_L12 - Dual 12-bit PWM to Vout DACs
- TC7107: 3-1/2 Digit Dual Slope ADC
- TLC1542: 10-bit ADC with serial control and 11 analog inputs
- TLC1543: 10-bit ADC with serial control and 11 analog inputs
- TLC548: 8-bit ADC with serial control
- TLC549: 8-bit ADC with serial control
- TLC2543: 12-bit ADC with serial control and 11 analog inputs
- AD1674: 12-bit 100kSPS ADC
- ICL7135: 4 1/2 digits, dual slope ADC
- MCP3204: 4-channel, 12-bit, A/D converters with SPI interface
- MCP3208: 8-channel, 12-bit, A/D converters with SPI interface
- AD7321: 500ksps, 2-channel, software selectable, 12-bit plus sign ADC
- AD7322: 1Msps, 2-channel, software selectable, 12-bit plus sign ADC
- AD7323: 500ksps, 4-channel, software selectable, 12-bit plus sign ADC
- AD7324: 1Msps, 4-channel, software selectable, 12-bit plus sign ADC
- AD7327: 500ksps, 8-channel, software selectable, 12-bit plus sign ADC
- AD7328: 1Msps, 8-channel, software selectable, 12-bit plus sign ADC
- MCP3421: 18-Bit ADC with I2C Interface and On-Board Reference
- MCP3422: 18-Bit ADC with I2C Interface and On-Board Reference
- MCP3423: 18-Bit ADC with I2C Interface and On-Board Reference
- MCP3424: 18-Bit ADC with I2C Interface and On-Board Reference
- MCP3221: Low Power 12 bit A/D Converter
- AD9218: Analog Devices 10-Bit, 40/65/80/105 MSPS, 3 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter
- AD9288: Analog DEvices 8-Bit, 40/80/100 MSPS, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter
- ADC121C021: I2C, 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter with Alert Function
- MAX11040: 24-Bit, 4-Channel, Simultaneous-Sampling, Cascadable, Sigma-Delta ADCs
- MAX11060: 16-Bit, 4-Channel, Simultaneous-Sampling, Cascadable, Sigma-Delta ADCs
- LTC1298 - Micropower Sampling 12-Bit A/D Converters.
- ADS1110 - 16-Bit Analog to Digital converter with on board Reference.
- MCP3301 - 13-Bit Differential Input, Low Power A/D Converter with SPI Serial Interface.
- FDC1004 - 4-Channel Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for Capacitive Sensing Solutions.
- ADC128S102 - 8-Channel, 500-ksps to 1-Msps, 12-Bit A/D Converter.
Digital to Analog Converter models
- AD5410: Single-Channel 12-/16-Bit Serial Input Current Source DAC w HART Connectivity
- AD5420: Single-Channel 12-/16-Bit Serial Input Current Source DAC w HART Connectivity
- LTC1451: 12-bit, rail to rail, micropower DACs
- LTC1456: 12-bit, rail to rail, micropower DACs
- LTC1665: 12-bit, rail to rail, micropower DACs
- LTC1450: Parallel input, 12-bit rail-to-rail micropower DACs
- LTC2440: 24-Bit High Speed Delta-Sigma ADCs
- LTC1665: 8-bit micropower octal DAC
- LTC1660: 8-bit micropower octal DAC
- DAC0808: 8-bit DAC
- DAC0800: 8-bit DAC
- DAC0832: 8-bit microprocessor compatible, double buffered DAC
- MCP4782: 12-Bit, Quad Digital-to-Analog Converter with EEPROM Memory.
- MCP4921: 12-bit DAC with SPI interface
- MCP4922: 12-bit dual DAC with SPI interface
- PCF8591: 8-bit ADC/DAC for the I2C bus
- TLC5628: Octal 8-Bit Digital to Analogue Converters
- TLC5615C(L)P: 10-Bit Digital to Analogue Converters
- TLC5615C(L)D: 10-Bit Digital to Analogue Converters
- TLC5615C(L)DGK: 10-Bit Digital to Analogue Converters
- MAX504C(E)PD: 5V/bipolar, Low-Power, Voltage Output serial 10-bit DAC
- MAX504C(E)SD: 5V/bipolar, Low-Power, Voltage Output serial 10-bit DAC
- MAX515C(E)PA: 5V, Low-Power, Voltage Output serial 10-bit DAC
- MAX515C(E)SA: 5V, Low-Power, Voltage Output serial 10-bit DAC
- MAX517: Single, 2-wire serial 8-bit DAC with rail-to-rail outputs
- MAX518: Double output, common reference, 2-wire serial DAC with rail-to-rail outputs
- MAX519: Double 2-wire serial 8-bit DACs with rail-to-rail outputs
- MAX5820: Double 8-bit, 2-wire, serial voltage output DAC
- MAX5821: Double 10-bit, 2-wire, serial voltage output DAC
- MAX5822: Double 12-bit, 2-wire, serial voltage output DAC
- DAC1208: 12-bit, microprocessor compatible, double buffered DAC
- DAC1209: 12-bit, microprocessor compatible, double buffered DAC
- DAC1210: 12-bit, microprocessor compatible, double buffered DAC
- AD5310: Single 10-bit buffered voltage out DAC
- AD5320: Single, 12-bit buffered voltage out DAC
- MCP4821/MCP4822: 12-bit DAC with SPI and internal VREF
- MAX127/128: Multirange, +5V, 12-bit data acquisition system with 2-wire interface
- MAX5258: 8-bit Octal DAC with rail-to-rail output buffers
- MAX5259: 8-bit Octal DAC with rail-to-rail output buffers
- AD5601: 2.5V to 5.5V <100uA, 8-bit nanoDAC, SPI Interface
- AD5611: 2.5V to 5.5V <100uA, 10-bit nanoDAC, SPI Interface
- AD5601: 2.5V to 5.5V <100uA, 12-bit nanoDAC, SPI Interface
- LTC2631 Series: Single 12-/10-/8-Bit I2C, VOUT, DACs with 10ppm/C Reference
- MCP47FEB01Ax: 8-Bit Single Voltage Output Nonvolatile DAC with I2C Interface.
- MCP47FEB02Ax: 8-Bit Dual Voltage Output Nonvolatile DAC with I2C Interface.
- MCP47FEB11Ax: 10-Bit Single Voltage Output Nonvolatile DAC with I2C Interface.
- MCP47FEB12Ax: 10-Bit Dual Voltage Output Nonvolatile DAC with I2C Interface.
- MCP47FEB21Ax: 12-Bit Single Voltage Output Nonvolatile DAC with I2C Interface.
- MCP47FEB22Ax: 12-Bit Dual Voltage Output Nonvolatile DAC with I2C Interface.
- AD8436: Low Cost, Low Power, True RMS-to-DC Converter
- LTC6400-20 - 1.8GHz Low Noise, Low Distortion Differential ADC Driver for DC-300MHz.
- LTC6400-26 - 1.9GHz Low Noise, Low Distortion Differential ADC Driver for DC-300MHz.
- LTC6401-8 - 2.2GHz Low Noise, Low Distortion Differential ADC Driver for DC-140MHz.
- LTC6401-20 - 1.3GHz Low Noise, Low Distortion Differential ADC Driver for DC-140MHz.
- LTC6401-26 - 1.6GHz Low Noise, Low Distortion Differential ADC Driver for DC-140MHz.

Power Management Models
Positive Power Supply Regulators
- 78L05: 5V fixed 100mA positive power supply regulator
- 78L08: 8V fixed 100mA positive power supply regulator
- 78L12: 12V fixed 100mA positive power supply regulator
- 78L15: 15V fixed 100mA positive power supply regulator
- 78L24: 24V fixed 100mA positive power supply regulator
- 7805: 5V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- 7806: 6V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- 7808: 8V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- 7809: 9V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- 7810: 10V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- 7812: 12V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- 7815: 15V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- 7818: 18V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- 7824: 24V fixed 1A positive power supply regulator
- LT3010: 50mA,3V to 80V low dropout micropower linear regulator
- LT3010-5: 50mA, 3V to 80V low dropout regulator, fixed 5V output
- ADM709LA(N/R): Power Supply Monitor with reset
- ADM709MA(N/R): Power Supply Monitor with reset
- ADM709TA(N/R): Power Supply Monitor with reset
- ADM709SA(N/R): Power Supply Monitor with reset
- ADM709RA(N/R): Power Supply Monitor with reset
- MAX172EZK50: Step-up 5V Switching regulator
- LF00 series, 1.25 to 12V: Very low drop voltage regulators with inhibit
- LM1086, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V and Adjustable Versions: 1.5-A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
- LD1117, 1.2V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.0V, 3.3V, 5.0V and Adjustable Versions: Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulators.
- LM1117, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5.0V and Adjustable Versions: 800mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulator.
- LM2940T 5V and 10V fixed voltage 1A linear regulators.
- LM2941C 1A linear adjustable regulator
Negative Power Supply Regulators
- 79L05: 5V fixed 100mA negative power supply regulator
- 79L08: 8V fixed 100mA negative power supply regulator
- 79L12: 12V fixed 100mA negative power supply regulator
- 79L15: 25V fixed 100mA negative power supply regulator
- 79L24: 24V fixed 100mA negative power supply regulator
- 7905: 5V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
- 7906: 6V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
- 7908: 8V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
- 7909: 9V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
- 7910: 10V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
- 7912: 12V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
- 7915: 15V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
- 7918: 18V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
- 7924: 24V fixed 1A negative power supply regulator
Power Amplifiers
- 2SJ28 P-Channel VFET
- 2SK60 P-Channel low frequency power amplifier MOSFET (-120V drain-source breakdown voltage)
- 2SK63 P-Channel low frequency power amplifier MOSFET (-120V drain-source breakdown voltage)
- 2SK77 P-Channel low frequency power amplifier MOSFET (-120V drain-source breakdown voltage)
- 2SK82 P-Channel low frequency power amplifier MOSFET (-120V drain-source breakdown voltage)
- LM3875 High-Performance 56W Audio Power Amplifier.
- LM3876 High-Performance 56W Audio Power Amplifier w/Mute.
- LM3886 High-Performance 68W Audio Power Amplifier w/Mute.
- INA219AIDCN & INA219AID: Zero-Drift, Bidirectional Current/Power Monitor With I2C Interface
- MCP1630: High Speed,microcontroller adaptable, pulse width modulator
- MCP1612: 1A, 1.4MHz, Synchrounous Buck Regulator
- LM723: 150mA out voltage regulator
- MAX666: Dual mode 5V/programmable uPower voltage regulator
- AD584: Pin programmable precision voltage reference
- AD587: High Precision 10V reference
- AD680: 2.5V high precision bandgap voltage reference
- AD780x: 2.5V/3V ultra high precision bandgap voltage reference
- LM385: Adjustable micropower voltage reference
- MAX1856: Synchronisable, PWM SLIC power supply controller
- AD581(J,K,L,S,T,U): Precision grade (TEMPCO) Voltage references
- AD584(A,B,J,JA,K,KA,L,LA,S,SA,T,TA): Precision grade (TEMPCO) Voltage references
- AD680(A,J,T): Precision grade (TEMPCO) Voltage references
- AD780(A,B,S): Precision grade (TEMPCO) Voltage references
- AD587(J,K,L,S,T,U): Precision grade (TEMPCO) Voltage references
- TLC7701: Micropower supply voltage supervisor
- TLC7703: Micropower supply voltage supervisor
- TLC7705: Micropower supply voltage supervisor
- TLC7725: Micropower supply voltage supervisor
- TLC7733: Micropower supply voltage supervisor
- LM134/234/334: 3-terminal adjustable current sources
- LM317: 3-terminal adjustable linear voltage regulator
- LM4041_F, LM4041-1,2 Precision Micropower shunt voltage references
- MAX1044/ICL7660: Switched capacitor voltage converters
- ADM705A(N/R): Low Cost uP Supervisory Circuits
- ADM706A(N/R): Low Cost uP Supervisory Circuits
- ADM707A(N/R): Low Cost uP Supervisory Circuits
- ADM708A(N/R): Low Cost uP Supervisory Circuits
- LM2917: Power Supply Monitor
- LTC3026: 1.5A Low Input Voltage VLDO Linear Regulator
- MCP1802T-09: LVD Regulator
- MCP1802T-12: LVD Regulator
- MCP1802T-18: LVD Regulator
- MCP1802T-25: LVD Regulator
- MCP1802T-30: LVD Regulator
- MCP1802T-33: LVD Regulator
- MCP1802T-50: LVD Regulator
- MCP1802T-60: LVD Regulator
- UC1842: Current Mode PWM Controller
- UC1843: Current Mode PWM Controller
- UC1844: Current Mode PWM Controller
- UC1845: Current Mode PWM Controller
- L4970A: 10A Switching Regulator
- MCP19035: High-Speed Synchronous Buck Controller
- PAC1921: High-Side Power/Current Monitor with Analog Output
- MCP1702T-12: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1702T-15: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1702T-18: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1702T-25: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1702T-28: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1702T-30: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1702T-33: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1702T-40: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1702T-50: 250 mA Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-12: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-15: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-18: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-25: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-28: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-30: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-33: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-40: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1703T-50: 250 mA, 16V, Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator
- MCP1415 Power MOSFET Driver - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MCP1415R Power MOSFET Driver - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MCP1416 Power MOSFET Driver - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MCP1416R - Tiny 1.5A, High-Speed Power MOSFET Driver - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-2.5YM5 (2.5V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-2.6YM5 (2.6V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-2.7YM5 (2.7V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-2.8YM5 (2.8V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-2.85YM5 (2.85V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-2.9YM5 (2.9V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-3.0YM5 (3.0V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-3.1YM5 (3.1V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-3.3YM5 (3.3V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-3.6YM5 (3.6V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219-5.0YM5 (5.0V) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MIC5219YM5 (Adjustable) - 500 mA Peak Output LDO Regulator
- MAX873A - 2.5V Low-Power, Low-Drift, Precision Voltage References
- MAX873B - 2.5V Low-Power, Low-Drift, Precision Voltage References
- MAX875A - 5V Low-Power, Low-Drift, Precision Voltage References
- MAX875B - 5V Low-Power, Low-Drift, Precision Voltage References
- MAX876A - 10V Low-Power, Low-Drift, Precision Voltage References
- MAX876B - 10V Low-Power, Low-Drift, Precision Voltage References

Pulse Width Control Models
Full Bridge Pulse Width Amplifiers
- SA01: Pulse width modulation amplifier
- SA03: 3000W load pulse Width amplifier
- SA04: 4000W load pulse Width amplifier
- SA08: 40V 500kHz PWN amplifier
- SA12: 10KW load pulse width amplifier with a switching frequency of 22.5kHz
- SA13: 3000W pulse width modulation amplifier with an iternal 400kHz oscillator
- SA50: 10KW load pulse width amplifier with a switching frequency of 22.5kHz
- SA51: Pulse width modulation amplifier which can supply a 5A continuous current
- SA60: Pulse width modulation amplifier which can supply a 5A continuous current
Half Bridge Pulse Width Amplifiers
- SA14 3000W half bridge pulse width modulation amplifier with flexible frequency control
- SA16 4000W half bridge pulse width modulation amplifier with flexible frequency control
- SA18 5000W half bridge pulse width modulation amplifier with flexible frequency control
Pulse Width Modulators
- MCP1630: High Speed,microcontroller adaptable, pulse width modulator
- TL494: Pulse-Width-Modulation Control Circuits
- UC1525A - Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
- UC1527A - Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
- UC2525A - Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
- UC5527A - Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
- UC3525A - Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
- UC3527A - Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
PWM Fan Speed Controller Models
- TC646B: PWM Fan Speed controllers with auto-shutdown, fan restart & fansense technology
- TC648B: PWM Fan Speed controllers with auto-shutdown, fan restart & fansense technology
- TC649B: PWM Fan Speed controllers with auto-shutdown, fan restart & fansense technology

Laplace Transform Models
- Laplace addition operator
- Laplace delay operator
- Laplace differentiation operator
- Laplace division operator
- Laplace constant gain operator
- Laplace integral operator
- Laplace multiplication operator
- Laplace subtraction operator
1st Order Models
- Laplace first order transfer function (1-TP)
- Laplace first order transfer function (1+TP)
- Laplace first order high-Pass filter transfer function (HP)
- Laplace first order high-Pass filter transfer function (HP_F)
- Laplace first order low-Pass filter transfer function (LP)
- Laplace first order low-Pass filter transfer function (LP_F)
- Laplace first order polynomial transfer function (POLY 1)
- Laplace first order polynomial transfer function (POLY 2)
- Laplace first order polynomial transfer function (POLY 3)
2nd Order Models
- Laplace second order band-Pass filter transfer function
- Laplace second order high-Pass filter transfer function
- Laplace second order low-Pass filter transfer function
- Laplace second order notch filter transfer function (NOTCH)
- Laplace second order polynomial transfer function (POLY)
Poles and Zeroes
- Laplace transfer function for single real pole: H(s)=(s+P)
- Laplace transfer function for single real pole and zero: H(s)=k.(s-Z)/(s-P)
- Laplace transfer function for single real zero: H(s)=(s-Z)
Process Controllers
- Laplace phase advance Controller (ADVANCED)
- Laplace phase delay controller (DELAY)
- Laplace proportional controller
- Laplace proportional derivative (PD) controller
- Laplace proportional integral (PI) control
- Laplace proportional integral derivative (PID) control
- Laplace broida process controller (amplification, pure delay an order 1 factor
- Laplace pure delay process controller (Amplification and delay)
- Laplace ziegler process controller (Amplification, pure delay And an integrator)
Linear Controllers
- Laplace linear amplifier with dead zone(DZ)
- Laplace linear amplifier with dead zone(PL)
- Laplace linear amplifier with saturation
Non Linear Controllers
- Laplace non-linear two-level switch with hysteresis
- Laplace non-linear two-level switch (SWITCH)
- Laplace non-linear three-level (two level with dead zone) switch/corrector (SWITCH DZ)

Thermionic Valve Models
Diode Valve Models
- 5AR4: Dual rectifier valve
- 5U4GB: Dual rectifier valve
- 5V3A: Dual rectifier valve
- 5V4GA: Dual rectifier valve
- 5Y3GT: Dual rectifier valve
- GZ34: Dual power rectifier valve
Pentode Valve Models
- EL34: 9-pin power output pentode
- EL84: 9-pin power output pentode
- EF86: 9-pin audio pentode with screen
Tetrode Valve Models
- 6L6GC: 8-pin beam tetrode
- KT88: Audio beam power tetrode
- 6V6GTA: 8-pin beam tetrode
Triode Valve Models
- ECC81: 9 Pin minature dual VHF triode
- ECC82: 9 Pin minature dual triode
- ECC83: 9 Pin minature dual triode
- ECC88: Dual triode with screen
- 6DJ8: Dual triode with screen
- 12AT7: 9 Pin minature dual VHF triode
- 12AU7: 9 Pin minature dual triode
- 12AX7: 9 Pin minature dual triode
- 12BH7: 9 Pin minature dual triode
- Nutube 6P1, VFD based dual Triode

Transducer Models
- MPX4115: Integrated silicon pressure transducer for absolute pressure
- MPX4250: Active pressure transducer model -250kPa full scale
- PTC: Generic Model for PTC Nickel positive temperature coefficient thermistor
- NTC: Active model of negative temperature coefficient thermistor
- GUR03 :Ultra Sonic range sensor
- TH02: Tempererature/Relative Humidity sensor
- APDS-9002: photosensor, photo-transistor based
- BMP180: Digital pressure sensor
- MPL3115A2 - I2C precision pressure sensor with altimetry.
- Si7021-A20 - I2C Humidity and Temperature Sensor.
- HTU21D - Digital Relative Humidity sensor with Temperature output.
- ALS-PT19 - Ambient Light Sensor.
- LOADCELL - Load Cell Transducer, four active arms bridge.
- RTD-PT1000 - Thermo-resistors 1000Ohms @ 0°C, according to IEC751/ITS90 Standards.
- BOSH BMP280 - Combined pressure & temperature sensor

Microcontroller Peripherals
Port Expander Models
- MCP23008: 8-bit I-O Port Expander with I2C Interface
- MCP23009: 8-bit I-O Port Expander with Open-Drain Outputs & Serial Interface. High-speed I2C
- MCP23016: 16-bit I2C I-O Port Expander
- MCP23017: 16-bit I2C I-O Port Expander with serial interface. High-speed I2C
- MCP23S08: 8-bit I-O Port Expander with SPI Interface
- MCP23S09: 8-bit I-O Port Expander with Open-Drain Outputs & Serial Interface. High-speed SPI
- MCP23S17: 16-bit I2C I-O Port Expander with serial interface. High-speed SPI
- PCA9685: 16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED controller
Programmable Gain Amplifiers Models
- MCP6S21: 1 Channel programmable gain amplifier with SPI
- MCP6S22: 2 Channel programmable gain amplifier with SPI
- MCP6S26: 6 Channel programmable gain amplifier with SPI
- MCP6S28: 8 Channel programmable gain amplifier with SPI
- LTC6903: Linear Technology 1kHz to 68MHz Serial Port (SPI) Programmable Oscillator
- LTC6904: Linear Technology 1kHz to 68MHz Serial Port (I2C) Programmable Oscillator
Microcontroller Supervisory Circuit
- MCP809-XXX: Microchip Microcontroller Supervisory Circuit with Push-Pull Output
- MCP810-XXX: Microchip Microcontroller Supervisory Circuit with Push-Pull Output

Miscellaneous Models
Comparators Models
- LTC1540: Nanopower Comparator with Reference
- LTC1440: Ultralow Power Single Comparator with Reference
- LTC1441: Ultralow Power Dual Comparator
- LTC1442: Ultralow Power Dual Comparator with Reference
- MIC841H - Microchip Comparator with 1.25% Reference and Adjustable Hysteresis
- MIC841L - Microchip Comparator with 1.25% Reference and Adjustable Hysteresis
- MIC841N - Microchip Comparator with 1.25% Reference and Adjustable Hysteresis
- MIC842H - Microchip Comparator with 1.25% Reference and Adjustable Hysteresis
- MIC842L - Microchip Comparator with 1.25% Reference and Adjustable Hysteresis
- MIC842N - Microchip Comparator with 1.25% Reference and Adjustable Hysteresis
Current Monitors
- INA282: 50V/V High-Accuracy, Wide Common-Mode Range, Bi-Directional, CURRENT SHUNT MONITOR, Zerø-Drift Series.
- INA283: 200V/V High-Accuracy, Wide Common-Mode Range, Bi-Directional, CURRENT SHUNT MONITOR, Zerø-Drift Series.
- INA284: 500V/V High-Accuracy, Wide Common-Mode Range, Bi-Directional, CURRENT SHUNT MONITOR, Zerø-Drift Series.
- INA285: 1kV/V High-Accuracy, Wide Common-Mode Range, Bi-Directional, CURRENT SHUNT MONITOR, Zerø-Drift Series.
- INA286: 100V/V High-Accuracy, Wide Common-Mode Range, Bi-Directional, CURRENT SHUNT MONITOR, Zerø-Drift Series.
- ACS758LCB-050B: Bi-Directional
- ACS758LCB-100B: Bi-Directional
- ACS758KCB-150B: Bi-Directional
- ACS758ECB-200B: Bi-Directional
- ACS758LCB-050U: Unidirectional
- ACS758LCB-100U: Unidirectional
- ACS758KCB-150U: Unidirectional
- ACS758ECB-200U: Unidirectional
- ACS756KCB-050B: Bi-Directional
- ACS756SCB-050B: Bi-Directional
- ACS756SCB-100B: Bi-Directional
- ACS773LCB-050B: Bi-Directional, High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth, Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS773LCB-100B: Bi-Directional, High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth, Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS773KCB-150B: Bi-Directional, High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth, Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS773ECB-200B: Bi-Directional, High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth, Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- ACS773ECB-250U: Unidirectional High Accuracy, Hall-Effect-Based, 200 kHz Bandwidth, Galvanically Isolated Current Sensor IC with 100 μΩ Current Conductor
- MAXIM MAX4073F (50/V) & MAX4073H (100/V)
- MAXIM DS28CM00R - I2C/SMBus Silicon Serial Number.
Voltage Controlled Oscillator
- LM566: Voltage Controlled Oscillator
- AD537D - Voltage to Frequency Converter in DIP14 package
- AD537H - Voltage to Frequency Converter in H-10A package
Line Drivers
- EL5170ISZ: 100MHz Differential Twisted-Pair Drivers
LED Drivers
- PCA9952 - 16-channel, Fm+ I2C-bus 57mA constant current LED driver
- PCA9955 - 16-channel, Fm+ I2C-bus 57mA constant current LED driver, additional A3 address line.
Digital Models
- SN74CBT162292: 12-bit 1-of-2 FET Multiplexer/Demultiplexer with internal pulldown resistors.
Half-Bridge Driver
- IR2184(S) Half-Bridge Driver circuit model file
Monostable/Astable Multivibrator
- CD4047BCM Low Power Monostable/Astable Multivibrator
- CD4047BCN Low Power Monostable/Astable Multivibrator
Digital-to-Analog Converter
- MCP4728 model 12-Bit, Quad Digital-to-Analog Converter with EEPROM Memory
N-Channel Mosfet
- STP36NF06 N-channel 60V - 0.032Ohms - 30A - TO-220/TO-220FP
- ADG725 '16-Channel, Serially Controlled 4 Ohms 1.8 V to 5.5 V, +/-2.5 V, Analog Multiplexers'.
- ADG731 '32-Channel, Serially Controlled 4 Ohms 1.8 V to 5.5 V, +/-2.5 V, Analog Multiplexers'.
- TS5A22364, Texas - 0.65-Ω Dual SPDT Analog Switches With Negative Signaling Capability.
- ADG1611 - 1 Ohms Typical On Resistance, +/-5V, +12V, +5V, and +3.3V Quad SPST Switches.
- ADG1612 - 1 Ohms Typical On Resistance, +/-5V, +12V, +5V, and +3.3V Quad SPST Switches.
- ADG1613 - 1 Ohms Typical On Resistance, +/-5V, +12V, +5V, and +3.3V Quad SPST Switches.
- INA125 - Intrumentation Amplifier With Precision Voltage Reference.
- INA132 differential amplifier
- AD8129 Low Cost 270 MHz Differential Receiver Amplifiers
- AD8130 Low Cost 270 MHz Differential Receiver Amplifiers
- AD8220 JFET Input Instrumentation Amplifier with Rail-to-Rail Output in MSOP Package
- AD8221 Precision Instrumentation Amplifier
- AD8222 Precision, Dual-Channel Instrumentation Amplifier
- AD8224 Precision, Dual-Channel, JFET Input, Rail-to-Rail Instrumentation Amplifier
- AD8228 Low Gain Drift Precision Instrumentation Amplifier
- AD8276, AD8277 - Low Power, Wide Supply Range, Low Cost Unity-Gain Difference Amplifiers.
- AD8000: 1.5 GHz, Ultrahigh Speed Op Amp
- LM3875 - High-Performance 56W Audio Power Amplifier.
- LM3876 - High-Performance 56W Audio Power Amplifier w/Mute.
- LM3886 - High-Performance 68W Audio Power Amplifier w/Mute.
- JRC OPAMPs - J-FET and CMOS Op-Amplifiers.
- TLV27x - Texas, Family of 550-µA/Ch, 3-MHz, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers.
- LM324AN (PDIP), LM324M (SOIC) and LM324MT (TSSOP) - Texas Opamps.
- LM2902LVxxx - 4-Channel, 1MHz, industry standard, 5.5V op amp
- LM2904LVxxx - 2-Channel, 1MHz, industry standard, 5.5V op amp
- MCP6N16-001 - GM=1 Zero-Drift Instrumentation Amplifier
- MCP6N16-010 - GM=10 Zero-Drift Instrumentation Amplifier
- MCP6N16-100 - GM=100 Zero-Drift Instrumentation Amplifier
- LME49720 - Dual High Performance, High Fidelity Audio Operational Amplifier
- LME49721 - Dual High Performance, High Fidelity Audio Operational Amplifier
- ADA4807-1ARJZ - Single 3.1 nV/√Hz, 1 mA, 180 MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Amplifier
- ADA4807-2ARMZ - Dual 3.1 nV/√Hz, 1 mA, 180 MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Amplifier
- ADA4807-4AURZ - Quad 3.1 nV/√Hz, 1 mA, 180 MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Amplifier
- ADA4500 - 10 MHz, 14.5 nV/√Hz, Rail-to-Rail I/O, Zero Input Crossover Distortion Amplifier (Single/Dual/Quad)
- ADA4522 - 55 V, EMI Enhanced, Zero Drift, Ultralow Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers (Single/Dual/Quad)
Sensor Models
- MAX31856 - Precision Thermocouple to Digital Converter with Linearization.
- MAX31865 - RTD-to-Digital Converter.
- HX711 - 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for Weigh Scales.
Generator Models
- AD9833 - Low Power 12.65 mW 2.3 V to 5.5 V Programmable Waveform Generator