With the complexity of modern electronic design it's quite likely that you'll need support in using Proteus at some point. You may want to know the best way to do something a little unusual or you might be having problems with the software itself. You might even have a great idea for a feature that would make life much easier for you. Regardless of the reason our technical support is here to help and this page outlines how the support system works.
Online Resources:
There are two main online resources:
The community forums are a great place to and ask how to do things as there's a good chance other users have faced similar challenges. There's also a feature requests forum for registered users where you can log ideas for future development. The forums are loosely monitored by Labcenter staff.
Meanwhile, the Youtube video channel is home to lots of video tutorials and how-to movies for specific features. This is the best place to go to learn how to use Proteus or how to get the most out of a specific feature.
Direct Support:
Direct technical support is available free of charge to all professional users of the software. You can contact us by e-mail at any time or telephone during office hours and we’ll do our best to work with you on your problems. You don’t need to be in maintenance to receive support but we will be running latest version of the software so the support we can offer may be less useful.
E-mail support is preferred where a problem has occurred because we’ll want to see the project. It’s always the case that the first step to fixing a bug is to reproduce it and seeing your project also helps us understand what it is you want to do. Finally, it gives our support team a chance to consult with the developers and provide more detailed feedback.
In some cases we may ask to work through the issue on your computer via remote desktop. This can be really effective because you’ll see how we drive the software and can ask questions. Normal turnaround on e-mail support is one to two working days.
Telephone support can prove helpful for general enquiries and how to use queries, although the Youtube channel is often a better option as you can see as well as listen. It’s also great for requesting features because we can ask you why you need the feature and talk through the engineering requirements.
We’re very proud of our technical support, both in response time and in quality. However, common sense applies and we ask customers to have reasonable expectations. We don’t charge for the service but neither will we provide support for cracked/illegal software. We’re happy to help with problems or features in Proteus but we can’t design your board for you or do your homework assignment. If you have a 25-year-old DOS version of Proteus we’re going to struggle to give sensible advice. We’d love to immediately fix every problem and implement every feature as a top priority but it’s just not possible.
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